o2h Ventures Limited, an investment firm based in Cambridge, UK, has now launched “the o2h
Therapeutics Fund” an early stage SEIS and/or EIS fund backing biotech therapeutic and related AI
opportunities with plug-in capabilities in Cambridge, UK/India and a bridge to the USA.
The investment focus of the fund will be therapeutic drug opportunities or technologies that enable drug discovery with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The geographic scope shall be UK wide but will target the growing Cambridge biotech cluster which is now the global headquarters of AstraZeneca, and is home
to many biotech companies some of which have subsequently been snapped up by large pharmaceutical companies.
Large pharmaceutical companies have been closing down research centers globally for the last decade. This shift in focus of the large pharmaceutical companies has moved them from developing innovation in-house to acquiring innovation externally, forcing up the prices for the best science and providing earlier exit opportunities. The team at o2h discovery have access to the most exciting scientific ideas through its live working relationships fostered over many years working as a discovery services company. This gives us far earlier access than competitors to the most promising companies.
Early stage companies often need more than just money, o2h Ventures has built a unique integrated model for early stage companies which includes the possibility of offering companies incubation in its o2h SciTech Park, in Cambridge, UK, and/or the option to jump-start their research activity from o2h Discovery in Ahmedabad, India.
The Old Mill Warehouse – Incubation and co-working spaces and Hauxton House – o2h Ventures Global HQ.
The fund is structured to be S/EIS compliant providing generous income, inheritance and capital
gains tax breaks for UK tax payers.
Investors may download the investment memorandum at www.o2h.com/ventures
About o2h group:
o2h group seeds new ideas in science, technology and social enterprise. We work across boundaries and take a
collaborative and shared approach to innovation, and therefore we co-invest, co-create and co-execute to bring
these ideas to life. o2h group is co-located in Ahmedabad, India and in Cambridge UK and has 6 verticals covering
Ventures, Co-work, Discovery Services, Therapeutics, Technology, and Community. Visit- www.o2h.com for more details.
Sunil Shah, CEO of o2h group commented “We are really excited to launch the o2h ventures therapeutics fund. We see great deal flow through our hot network which is an accumulation of over 15 years of providing research services to this sector. The EIS benefits are a great way to invest in these fledgling businesses and access great British
innovation in therapeutics whilst mitigating the risk through the tax benefits. We look forward to making our first investment in early 2019.
Sunil Shah, Partner at o2h Ventures Limited
Mail- invest@o2h.com