Selection & training
o2h group is first and foremost a people business.
o2h group focuses intensely on the selection process and has in place a program of campus presentations. The aforementioned along with o2h group’s relations with a range of recruitment consultants ensures that we gain access to the best talent in India and also those returning to India after completing their Ph.Ds, post-doctoral fellowships, or industrial stints. A ‘bounty’ system for referrals from existing team members has also been important in attracting highly qualified and experienced personnel. The o2h group team is carefully selected from these sources, with significant experience in drug discovery work.
Our focus on people does not end with the selection process. o2h group believes our in-house training programs to be one of the best in class. It does not only focus on science (chemistry/biology) but also includes training in business management, safety, leadership and community work. Further, we provide on-going training and education in English. We provide forums to share knowledge with colleagues and include a guest speaker program as well as a personalised chemistry/biology training to develop and broaden chemistry/biology skills and knowledge. o2h group has also developed a fair and constructive performance management system including 360° feedback essential to personal development. o2h group has a highly structured first day program of training and assimilation to o2h group which means that from the first day all new joiners will be given the perfect start, skills and opportunities to give their best. The training system revolves around a set of modules which are aligned to each stage of the career of the scientist.
o2h group understands that each member of team is a person and not a machine, each with their own needs, pressures and demands. o2h group understands and take time to get to know the individual, and where possible the family, to understand the dreams and aspirations of each individual.
Performance management
The performance management system is comprehensive.
It covers a detailed self-assessment which is then followed by an objective component, raw client feedback and a review of the KRA’s (Key Result Area) for the projects that the scientists have worked upon. The primary assessor has full license to collect feedback from all possible avenues and prepare a detailed assessment of the scientist along with targets for the following year. The assessment is also supported by a secondary and tertiary level assessor, if necessary. All scientists are required to provide constructive 360° feedback to supervisors. The scientist is also supported by half yearly mentor review to ensure that training needs of the scientist are reviewed and followed through into action.
o2h group has a range of supporting social and social responsibility activities to keep our team and build loyalty, such as, our cricket club, home visits by directors to meet the families, weekly volunteering programme, high investments in training, visiting speakers within and outside the field of chemistry/pharmacology. We pay upper quartile salaries and build into this a target-based bonus for the key project leaders that have a track record of delivering and managing projects. Their careers are carefully managed to ensure that they are properly challenged and enjoy career growth potential. Our employee satisfaction survey results are outstanding, which helps to explain the high retention rates.
The scientific team are paid a bonus which is directly linked to output, for example, the bonus of a chemist is currently aligned to client feedback.